Amazon Web Services for Government
Our certified practitioners will help you meet your cloud deployment and migration needs for government workloads– whether they be new or existing legacy applications.
As a select Advanced Consulting Partner, we have the experience and the expertise to design, develop, secure, and deliver AWS solutions across all service models (LaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) and deployment models (public, private, community, or hybrid). Our Technology Solutions Practice is a full scope service provider and can guide our government clients through all things AWS. We also use AWS to develop open source and repeatable solutions at EGT Labs.
In addition to our services, EGlobalTech is an authorized AWS cloud solutions reseller.
Our Specialized AWS Services for government include:
Hosting and architecture
Security and compliance
Database and analytics
Migration and transformation
Managed services and solutions
Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and RPA – all powered by AWS services Developer tools and automation solutions
Wherever you are in your journey to adopt cloud services EGlobalTech can help.