Contract Vehicles
Meeting Government Contract Needs
Working with EGlobalTech is straightforward and easy. We are accessible through a wide range of Best-in-Class (BIC) contract vehicles and offer flexible contracting options to meet your agency’s unique requirements.

EGlobalTech can work with the government to provide a variety of information technology services through our General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule 70, under multiple Special Item Numbers (SINs). View our company listing on the GSA Advantage website which includes our GSA IT Schedule. Our SINS on Schedule 70:
Information Technology (IT) Professional Services SINs: 54151S
Cloud services (all associated labor)
Cognitive computing
Conversion and implementation support
Database planning and design
Internet of Things (IoT)
IT project management
Migration services (of all kinds)
Network services
Resources and facilities management
Systems analysis, design, and implementation
Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS) SINs: 54151HACS
Health IT Services SINs: 54151HEAL
Health IT Services SIN
Connected health
Electronic health records
Emerging research
Health analytics
Health informatics
Health information exchanges
Innovative solutions
Personal health information management
Other health IT services
EGlobalTech can work with the government to provide a multitude of management consulting services through our Professional Services Schedule (PSS) (formerly MOBIS).
Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services SINs: 541611
Provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis, due diligence in validating an agency's portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development, special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management
Professional and Management Development Training SINs: 611430
Services include offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Training for career development may be provided directly to individuals or through employers' training programs, and courses may be customized or modified to meet the special needs of customers. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment's or agency's training facilities, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided may include the use of simulators and simulation methods. Proposed professional services shall be in support of planning, creating, and/or executing testing and test administration, learning management, internship, or development of new courses or subject matter delivered via an instructor-led (i.e. traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or web-based (i.e. Internet/Intranet, software packages and computer applications) system.
Click Here to view our company listing on the GSA Advantage website, which includes our PSS (formerly MOBIS) Schedule.
EGlobalTech is a prime contract holder on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Information Technology and Applications Center (ITAC) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) contract. The scope covers a range of services from customer support and infrastructure services to the modernization and maintenance of business and scientific applications. The multiple-award BPA has a five-year period of performance and a $214 million ceiling value.
For more information about our NHLBI ITAC contract, email
EGlobalTech is a prime contract holder on the Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC), a cost-effective, innovative solution for procuring information technology (IT) professional services from a pool of CMS experienced partners. The purpose of this contract is to provide strategic, technical, and program management guidance and support services, to facilitate the modernization of CMS business processes and supporting systems.
SPARC is a multiple award, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), performance-based contract. It is available to all components within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and all Health and Human Services (HHS) Operating Divisions to procure IT System development services, from end to end. Services available through SPARC include: Initiation, Concept, and Planning Services; Requirements Services; Design Services; Development Services; Testing Services; Security Control Assessment Services; Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Services; Maintenance Services; Support Services; Data Request Services; and Help Desk Support Services.
For more information about our SPARC contract, email
NASPO Value Point Cloud Solutions: AR3103
NASPO ValuePoint is a Cooperative Purchasing Program representing a consortium of procurement officials for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This Master Agreement authorizes EGlobalTech to establish Participating Addendums with the states and/or participating entities within those states in order to provide cloud solutions. The State of Utah is the designated Lead State and procurement authority for this contract.
Click Here to view a copy of our contract.
CIO-SP3 Unrestricted
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Information Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) awarded the Chief Information Officer - Solutions and Partners 3 (CIO-SP3) Unrestricted Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), HHSN316200029W, to INDUS Corporation as the Lead Member of the Health Informatics and Information Technology Solutions (HIITS) Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA), effective June 1, 2012.
HIITS is the strategic union of a mid-sized business—INDUS Corporation— and two small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs)—Digital Infuzion, Inc. and Armedia, LLC. The HIITS CTA was formed to fulfill NITAAC's vision for CIO-SP3 and satisfy NITAAC's requirements for managing, marketing, and delivering technical IT services and solutions across all ten task areas.
Individually, Digital Infuzion, Armedia, and INDUS have core competencies in health informatics, digital government, and enterprise information technology. As HIITS CTA members, they combine their accomplishments and resources to offer a single focus on the ten CIO-SP3 task areas.
Joining forces in the HIITS CTA, they bring 40 combined years of success in delivering these services across to Federal agencies and commercial enterprises.
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services (OASIS): 1, 3, 4
OASIS is a Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (MA-IDIQ) contract vehicle that provides flexible and innovative solutions for complex professional services.
Services under OASIS are awarded under seven North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) pools. Tetra Tech was awarded three contracts for work in NAICS Pools 1, 3, and 4. Work may cross over multiple disciplines and span many areas of expertise with task orders being assigned in the NAICS pool with the greatest percentage of anticipated requirements.
Tetra Tech’s OASIS Contracts
POOL 1 – Engineering, Environmental, and Management Consulting
Tetra Tech provides a full range of engineering, environmental, and management services from offices in almost every state in the US and multiple OCONUS locations. -
POOL 3 – Engineering Services for Military/Aerospace Equipment/Military Weapons
Tetra Tech provides engineering services for military applications, acquisition, and deployment of aerospace equipment and military weapon systems, both from our offices and from personnel embedded at DoD, DOE, FAA, and other federal customer sites. -
POOL 4 – Research and Development (R&D)
Tetra Tech provides R&D services in support of various activities to government customers from our offices and customer sites.
Professional Engineering Services: GS-00F-0006N
Information Technology Services
SIN 132-51 Information technology professional services (complementary service to SINs listed below)
Professional Engineering Services
SIN 871-1 Strategic planning for technology programs and activities
SIN 871-2 Concept development and requirements analysis
SIN 871-3 System design, engineering, and integration
SIN 871-4 Test and evaluation
SIN 871-5 Integrated logistics support
SIN 871-6 Acquisition and life cycle management
For more information contact Bryant Helms at
GSA Energy Management Services: GS-10F-0346L
This contract was awarded to Tetra Tech EM, Inc., a subsidiary of Tetra Tech, Inc.
Our innovative approach to providing energy management services includes taking an integrated view of energy generation, transmission, and end-uses. We focus on the behavioral and operational aspects of energy end-uses to maximize the cost, energy, and environmental benefits of energy efficiency efforts, with no adverse impact to operations or to employee safety, health, or morale. In doing so, we focus on integrating the environmental and economic aspects of energy management to apply environmentally sound, performance-based technology and management solutions to reducing energy and water usage at federal and private-sector facilities.
Services Covered Under GSA Energy Management Services Schedule
SIN 871-202 Energy management planning and strategies
SIN 871-203 Training on energy management
SIN 871-204 Metering services
SIN 871-205 Energy program support services
SIN 871-206 Building commissioning services
SIN 871-207 Energy audit services
SIN 871-208 Resource efficiency management (REM)
SIN 871-209 Innovations in energy
SIN 871-210 Water conservation
SIN 871-299 New services: Renewable energy certificates
For more information contact Linda Hunter at
GSA Logistics Worldwide Services (LOGWORLD): GS-10F-0364N
This contract was awarded to Tetra Tech EMC, a subsidiary of Tetra Tech, Inc.
We provide planning, development, design, management, operation and maintenance of logistics systems, resources, equipment, facilities and logistics infrastructures, specifically including services inherent to the performance of operations and maintenance for the support of logistics/support systems.
Services Covered Under GSA LOGWORLD Schedule
SIN 874-501 RC Supply and value chain management services
SIN 874-504 RC Deployment logistics
SIN 874-507 RC Operations and maintenance logistics management support services
For more information contact Jim Bailey at