As a corporate citizen, we believe it is our inherent responsibility to give back and develop a real connection with our community through volunteering and fundraising.
We Are Committed
To supporting the mission by collaborating with our customers and community.
As One Team
Focusing on the solution and using each other’s differences to make us stronger.
To Uplift
Having gratitude for each day and the challenges it brings.
We Support Our Community

We Are Involved
EGlobalTech participates in the Virginia Special Olympics Dulles Plane Pull event to raise money for athletes with intellectual and physical disabilities. The event has grown into a full day of competition, food, music, and games which has raised more than $2,000,000 for the Virginia Special Olympics. EGlobalTech is proud to support the year-round training and competition.
Special Olympics, Virginia

EGlobalTech participates in Operation Jump-Start to support soldiers of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom as they transition to civilian careers. The annual event is a way to provide benefits to those who are in the healing process at Walter Reed Army and Bethesda Naval Hospitals after being injured in Iraq or Afghanistan. Not only do the Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, and Marines have to cope with new physical and emotional challenges, they also have to, in many cases, transition out of the military to life in the private sector. Operation Jump-Start helps support these troops and their families through the rehabilitation process and transition into the civilian community
Operation Jump-Start
Community Outreach

Putting our money where our mouth is.
As a corporate citizen, we believe it is our inherent responsibility to give back and develop a real connection to our community through volunteering and fundraising. Our Community Outreach Program enriches not only our corporate soul, but allows our employees to use their skills to give back to and serve their community, as well as derive more meaning from their work. Half of the outreach programs we participate in are nominated by our employees each year. We gain valuable insights while volunteering that make us a better business and better people.

EGT attends and helps sponsor the Annual Gala for the Children’s Inn at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which helps raise funds in support of children undergoing treatment at the NIH and their families. The Children’s Inn at the NIH is a residential “place like home” for sick children and their families. Children come from across the country and around the world to stay together with their families in the facility’s healing environment while receiving groundbreaking medical treatments at the NIH, the world’s leading biomedical research center. While the NIH takes care of the child’s medical needs, the Children's Inn tends to the child’s heart, soul, and spirit.
Children's Inn at NIH

Proud Corporate Sponsor of Women In Technology

Proud Corporate Sponsor of Ronald McDonald House

We support and hosts a “Virtual Food Drive” for the Maryland Food Bank during the holiday season. The Maryland Food Bank is an affiliate of Feeding America, which was founded in 1979 to coordinate the procurement and distribution of food donations from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and government agencies to organizations providing free food to the state’s hungry.